From Monday 22nd March 2021, in line with the latest government guidelines, we will be re-opening the Freddie Farmer Physiotherapy Centre allowing restricted physiotherapy sessions to disabled children. Please do not visit the centre if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 (coronavirus) or if you are self-isolating. So that...

Shop at Smile Amazon and they’ll donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to Freddie Farmer Foundation, at no cost to you. Same products, same prices, same services as the Amazon you know. Simply shop at to support Freddie Farmer Foundation or visit Smilematic to download the Smilematic...

An update from Freddie Farmer Foundation regarding the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic and the safety measures we have in place. From 6th July 2020, in line with the latest government guidelines, we re-opened the Freddie Farmer Physiotherapy Centre allowing restricted physiotherapy sessions to disabled children. We know that...

After careful consideration and following discussions with Sundridge Park Golf Club, we have had to make the very difficult and disappointing decision to cancel this year’s annual charity golf day. We have been overwhelmed by your support but because of the current guidance in place regarding...

From Monday 6th July 2020, in line with the latest government guidelines, we will be re-opening the Freddie Farmer Physiotherapy Centre allowing restricted physiotherapy sessions to disabled children. Please do not visit the centre if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 (coronavirus) or if you are...

The Government has now issued further information on the current Coronavirus pandemic with some restrictions being lifted to allow some people to return to work. Here at Freddie Farmer Foundation, we take the health and welfare of our staff and the children and families we support very...